A New Year with New Beginnings

As some of you may be aware, 2019 represented Endeavour’s 10th anniversary. When we started out in 2009 it was literally from the kitchen table. We had a server (a physical one) hosting our email and files from our house and we used Starbucks as a base between the various client visits and meetings we had to undertake between projects.

When Blaithin and I review where we are at today, we are amazed at the journey we have taken. To run a business that has over 30 staff and growing monthly, delivering solutions using the latest in cloud computing and productivity technologies that we use ourselves every day, practicing what we preach. For clients ranging from small local business owners, life-changing non-profit organisations as well as large enterprise and government organisations across the UK and Ireland. Delivering on education and training for our team, with over 40 Microsoft exam passes for staff members in the last 3 months alone. All of this is something we are both truly proud of and appreciate the fantastic staff, clients, and suppliers that have all helped to make this happen.

And based on this continued success and growth, we are pleased to announce the opening of our new office and team based in Edinburgh officially opening on 2nd January 2020; and we look forward to working on new projects with our clients over the next 10 years.

So finally, we have no idea what the next 10 years will bring, but we would like to thank everyone who has helped us achieve what we have to date, and we wish our staff, clients and suppliers continued success in 2020 and beyond.