Dual Cyber Essentials Awards for Endeavour

Endeavour is pleased to announce our certification of Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus across the whole organisation. Not that security isn’t an essential priority for our own or client systems, far from it, we have a strong track record in providing security focused solutions over the years, as well as helping some of our clients meet these industry recognised standards at the same time.

Therefore, it is great to finally get independently certified confirmation that our policies, procedures, as well as a physical review of our technology and systems, has all come back with a positive result for our own organisation. Such certifications give potential customers additional confidence that you take security seriously within your business, not to mention that a more increasing rate of public and private sector contracts now ask for such standards as a prerequisite.

However, like all compliance, getting the certification is only the start of a continuous process going forward. Not only to maintain this level of certification but more importantly to regularly review and adapt our systems to the ever growing list of new threats and risks that every business today has to face.


All of this evolving knowledge and best practice is passed onto our clients as it has done over the years, and in most cases that will be enough for some of our clients. However, if you are interested in getting your business certified to this standard, please do not hesitate to get in touch, and we will be more that happy go over the requirements and steps involved in more detail.

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